This module is focused on the role of the educator in EL, the types of learning outcomes that can be achieved through EL activities, and how to promote inclusive engagement in EL activities. The worksheet will prompt you to reflect on your teaching philosophy and experience, and continue your planning for effectively integrating EL activities into your curriculum.
This module has been designed for Faculty and Academic Leaders.
What is the role of the experiential educator?
Examples and Artifacts
image The experiential educator
This diagram from Kolb breaks the role of an experiential educator into four common roles that most educators adopt at some point during experiential learning activities.
table Stages of group development
The instructor’s role is largely to communicate the learning goals of the class and set expectations of the students before the take learning into their own hands. This document provides an overview of Tuckman’s "Stages of group development", and Warren's "Potential mechanisms for supporting students in each stage".
External Links
link Forms of EL
Experience Based Learning Systems, Inc. is a research and development company devoted to advancement of the theory and practice of experiential learning.
link Exploring Your Teaching Philosophy: Sample Exercises
This website from the University of Waterloo provides reflective questioning and resources for the development of your teaching philosophy.
What types of learning outcomes can be achieved through EL?
Examples and Artifacts
table Aligning teaching with learning outcomes
Once you have determined your learning outcomes, you should consider the alignment between your learning outcomes and the selected experiential learning activity. This document outlines a number of these considerations.
documents Sample course outlines
The intention, and details of EL activities should be clearly articulated to students. This link provides access to a collection of examples of course outlines.
External Resources
link Best Practices in Experiential Learning
Report published by Vancouver Island University, 2017. Expanded definitions of Experiential Learning, and benefits, types and designs of experiential learning activities.
link York University’s Education Developers' Cookbook
From York University: A collection of practical ideas to support educators in breaking the ice, offering a variety of learning activities and obtaining feedback and evaluation.
How do I promote inclusive engagement in EL activities?
Examples and Artifacts
list UDL goals
list UDL & EL best practices
By improving classroom experiential learning activities based on these concepts, many students’ experiences are naturally improved. We also have the opportunity to create more inclusive experiences for students through community-engaged or work-integrated learning.
External Resources
link UDL Guidelines
The UDL Guidelines are a tool used in the implementation of Universal Design for Learning, a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn. Learn more about the Universal Design for Learning framework from the Centre for Applied Special Technology (CAST).
link Universal Instructional Design
The University of Guelph’s Universal Instructional Design website, which includes resources for educators including universal design checklists, resources for teaching face-to-face and resources for teaching at a distance.
link Student Disability and Experiential Education
A significant percentage of students in higher education today have one or more disabilities. This paper, published by The Journal of Effective Teaching, discusses importance of awareness of different types disabilities, and how disabilities impact student performance.
link Tip Sheets on Accessible Teaching
York University offers a website themed around Accommodations and Inclusive Teaching, which offers plenty of resource guides on a variety of relevant topics including: inclusive curriculum design, internal and external resources to support students and educators, tips sheets (posting documents and file types, designing an accessible syllabus, evaluating students, etc.) as well as supporting students in crisis, which may take place inside or outside the classroom, or potentially locally or internationally, in the event of an experiential learning activity.
Planning and development worksheet
This worksheet can be completed online or exported so you can continue work on it. Note that If you advance another module or visit another site, your work will not be saved. Be sure to export your document before continuing.
Recommended next module (all audiences): Preparing and Supporting Learners to Engage Productively in EL